Tuition & Fee Waivers for Classified State Employees
Policy Number: OCP 600-03
Pursuant to the authority granted by chapter 88 Laws of 1990 51st regular session, Olympic College is authorized to waive tuition, operating, and services and activities fees for any individual who is defined as a permanent, full-time employee of the state of Washington in classified service under chapter 28B.16 and 41.06 RCW (forty hours per week on an annual basis).
Olympic College will charge a registration fee $20 for students to enroll in this program (and any special fees which may be charged to regularly enrolled students). When granting waivers under this program, Olympic College shall be subject to the following requirements:
- Full-time, permanent, classified state employees who desire to enroll under the provisions of his section shall not be required to pass any financial need or means I test as the basis for receiving such waivers.
- Such waivers shall not be applied to more than two courses per individual per quarter; however, qualified state employees may enroll in additional courses upon payment of the required tuition and fees normally charged to other students so enrolled.
- The enrollment fee will be held until it is determined if there is space available in the class after the 10th instructional day. If no space remains, the fee will be returned. An individual may attend the class up until space availability is determined.
- No new or additional courses or course, sections shall be I created for the purpose of accommodating enrollments of students on the basis of waivers under this program.
- Individuals who are interested in participating in this I program will not be permitted to enroll on a regular basis in order to reserve or protect a place and then drop the course in order to participate on a "space available" basis.
- At the time of registration, it is the individual's responsibility to inform the registration office of the intent to register under this tuition and waiver program and to provide verification of their employment status.
- Enrollment information and statistical data related to enrollments made under this program must be maintained separately and must be discretely identified and distinguished from enrollments reports to the state Board for all fiscal purposes. Persons enrolled under this program shall not be considered in any enrollment statistics which would affect budgetary determinations.
- Computations of enrollment levels, student-faculty, ratios, or other similar enrollment-related statistics I must exclude student credit hours generated by enrollments for which waivers have been granted under this program.
- Individuals enrolled under this program will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis along with enrollees from the other two space available tuition waiver programs (Olympic College employees and seniors).
- All existing course prerequisites also must apply to students enrolled under this program, as do requirements for placement testing and other advising regulations. Individuals enrolled under this program will I be afforded equal opportunity to utilize advising and counseling services.
- The college administration is authorized to develop any further procedures or guidelines deemed necessary to effectively implement this tuition waiver program.
- Recommended by Jolene Ramaker
- Approved by Board of Trustees November 27, 1990