Accessibility & Accommodations

Olympic College is committed to providing access, equal opportunity and reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities in employment, its services, programs, and activities. 

If you encounter an accessibility barrier in either the online or physical domain of Olympic College and need assistance with improving or removing those obstacles, please contact @email.

Contact one of the offices below to request an accommodation.

Reasonable Accommodations

Student Accommodations

Olympic College Student Disability Services fosters a college culture that recognizes disability as a valued aspect of diversity and is dedicated to the inclusion and full participation of students with disabilities in all college programs, services, and activities.

Request Student Accommodation

Employee & Employment Candidate Accommodations

Erin Pohl

  • Email: @email
  • Phone: 360-475-7303

Kelsey Williams

  • Email: @email
  • Phone: 360-475-7323

Request Employee/Candidate AccomModation

Visitor Accommodations

Erin Pohl

  • Email: @email
  • Phone: 360-475-7303

Kelsey Williams

  • Email: @email
  • Phone: 360-475-7323

Request Visitor Accommodation


Olympic College's Accessible Technology Policy outlines our commitment to provide information technology resources and services that are accessible to all OC students, faculty, staff and the public regardless of disability. Technology accessibility is an institution-wide responsibility that requires commitment and involvement from leadership across the enterprise. Each community member has a role and responsibility to integrate aspects of accessibility/usability into the business processes of everyday work tasks. Technology access for individuals with disabilities should provide comparable functionality, affordability, and timeliness and should be delivered in as seamless a manner as possible.

Accessibility Conformance

Olympic College strives to achieve Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA conformance on its website. WCAG covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible. The college is currently conducting an audit to determine the extent to which its website is WCAG 2.1 AA compliant. 

If you experience any technology-based barriers to accessing our programs and services, please contact Olympic College Accessibility Coordinator:

Accessibility Coordinator