Your Safety is our Priority
Your Safety is our Priority
Olympic College is committed to the health and safety of its students and employees. We uphold that commitment by implementing a proactive safety management system that is effective and practical. We maintain this safety management system by nurturing and continuously promoting a positive safety culture.
See something? Say something.
See something? Say something.
When it comes to your Safety, “See something? Say something” should be a rule of thumb for all staff, students, and even visitors on campus. Everyone should feel comfortable enough to speak up about safety and environmental violations they believe may be occurring. If you see something that seems wrong or out of place, please do not keep this observation to yourself. No matter how trivial it may seem, do not hesitate to let us know. Your courage to say something could make a difference and potentially save a life.
If you have an environmental or safety concern, observation, recommendation or even just a question, please click the link below to submit an OC Safety Gram.
Injury & Near Miss Report Form
Injury & Near Miss Report Form
If you've been injured or experienced a near miss on campus or while performing college work or learning activities, please complete this form. This report must be submitted within 24 hours of the injury or near miss.
This report is not intended to cast blame or evade accountability, but to assist in accident investigations that will help prevent similar injuries and near misses in the future.
Sharepoint Page
Sharepoint Page
Access Accident Prevention Documentation, and Health and Safety Resources for employees on the Olympic College internal website.