Who We Are

Who We Are

At the Olympic College Resource Center, we offer you information and referrals, supportive listening, classroom items like our huge book lending library, and when applicable, emergency funding to help support your needs. This program was created by students for students. We want to be your active support team! Stop in, call, or email and see if we can help; you don’t have to struggle alone.

How We Can Help You

  • We strive to know the resources within Olympic College and our neighboring communities so we can point you in the right direction for assistance.
  • We love to help save you money; we often have physical resources here in the office such as school supplies, food, personal hygiene items, and a very large book lending library!
  • At times we have financial help for emergencies that might be causing you to stop or drop out of school. Let’s have a conversation to see how we can help!

Contact Us


  • In Person: Mon - Fri: 8 am - 4:30 pm
  • Virtual: Mon - Thu: 10 am - 2 pm 

Virtual Office



Here are some local resources that might be of help!

Please note: resources listed are for Kitsap unless designated Thurston and/or Mason.

Resource Center Staff

Our friendly and informative team is eager to assist you!