Your safety is our priority

Your safety is our priority

Welcome to Campus Safety & Security! We 're committed to providing a safe, welcoming environment for all. We're here to help, 24/7.

Have an emergency?

  • 911 Dispatch Center
  • Campus Safety & Security Dispatch: 360-475-7800

You can call for all three campuses, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via a campus phone, an emergency call box, or your mobile phone. The phone number contacts Bremerton dispatch, which dispatches for all three campuses.

Purchase a Parking PassView/Pay/Appeal a Citation



Bremerton: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


  • Mon – Thu: 7am – 9pm
  • Fri: 7am – 5pm


  • Mon – Thu: 7am – 9pm
  • Fri: 7am – 5pm

Campus Alerts

Campus Alerts

All Olympic College students are enrolled in our campus alerts notification system. University partners and community members can visit the Campus Alerts webpage to sign up for campus alerts. 

Campus Alerts

Injury & Near Miss Report Form

Injury & Near Miss Report Form

If you've been injured or experienced a near miss on campus or while performing college work or learning activities, please complete this form. This report must be submitted within 24 hours of the injury or near miss.

This report is not intended to cast blame or evade accountability, but to assist in accident investigations that will help prevent similar injuries and near misses in the future.

Injury & Near Miss Report Form

Services, Resources & Information

Click a tile to learn more about the services and resources we provide. 

Expressive Event Notification Form

Expressive Event Notification Form

Community groups are welcome to use our campus for expressive activities. Although you are not required to notify us, we ask that you fill out the Expressive Event Notification Form so we are aware of your presence and can support you while you're on campus.

Complete Form

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