Career & Technical Education Dual Credit

What is CTE

What is CTE

Career & Technical Educate (CTE) Dual Credit is a cooperative effort between K-12 schools, Olympic College, and business and labor communities. CTE empowers high school students to pursue what they are passionate about while still in high school at a substantial cost savings.

How does it work?

CTE Dual Credit courses align Career & Technical Education classes at the high school with Professional-Technical courses taught at Olympic College, creating opportunities for students to earn both high school credits for graduation while earning college credits.

Contact Us!


Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Virtual Office

How To Register & Apply for Credit

Two students together.
1Find Courses at your High School

Talk to your teacher, career/guidance counselor or Search for CTE Dual Credit Classes available at your school.

Students playing pocket pool.
2Register Online

Register online for a designated CTE Dual Credit class available at your school. 

Female Thumbnail
3Pass Class with a 'B' Grade

You must pass your CTE Dual Credit classes with a 'B' grade or better to apply for Olympic College credit. 

Male student in computer lab.
4Complete the Transcript Request Form

Complete the transcript request form by March 30 of your senior year to request your CTE Dual Credit courses are posted on an Olympic College transcript.

You can complete the form earlier if you are changing schools for any reason. 

Female with tablet at table.
5Receive Your Transcript

Olympic College will send you an unofficial transcript for the credits you earned! 

Visit our Transcripts webpage for instructions on how to access your official and unofficial transcripts.