The Office of Well-Being & Health Promotion offers education and support for your emotional, mental, and physical health to help you pursue your dreams and achieve your goals. We work with campus and community partners to lower risks and increase positive influences on your life. In short, we're hear to help you navigate life's peaks and valleys.
The Office of Well-Being and Health Promotion aims to:
- Introduce and amplify the attitudes, skills, & knowledge that all students need to be well.
- Cultivate spaces and places that build connections essential for well-being.
We will meet these aims by providing programming with campus and community partners focused on:
- School Climate and Culture
- Health Promotion
- Early Intervention/Support
- Individualized Intervention/Community Services
Mon-Fri, 8am-4:30pm
Get Involved!
Get Involved!
Every quarter, we host a series of events and activities that help students get connected and engaged. Some programs are limited attendance and require registration, so be sure to follow registration instructions and contact our office if you have any questions.
Well-Being and Health Promotion Programs
Overdose Response Kits
Naloxone Distribution Site
Collegiate Recovery Program
Quarterly Newsletter
Well-Being Machine
Tips & Resources
Got Well-Being and Health Questions?

Got Well-Being and Health Questions?
Go Ask Alice! is an anonymous health and well-being question and answer site from Columbia University. It features answers to thousands of questions on health and well-being topics ranging from substance use to sexual health, to nutrition and physical activity.
Need support? Concerned about a student?
The CARE team is a campus-wide team responsible for identifying, assessing, and responding to concerns and/or disruptive behaviors by students and community members who struggle academically, emotionally, or psychologically, or who present a risk to the health or safety of the college or its members.