Please review the financial aid programs, the award amounts for each term, and the total amount for the academic year. All award amounts are subject to change at any time based on your eligibility, enrollment status, and legislative appropriations; if funds have disbursed you may have to repay all or part of any aid received if ineligible.
You may not receive financial aid from Olympic College and another school for the same enrollment period. If you are attending another school for any term listed on your award letter you must inform the Office of Financial Aid in writing prior to any aid being authorized to be awarded and disbursed to you.
Once financial aid is awarded, it will apply to the quarter that you indicated on your Financial Aid Data Sheet as long as you are enrollment level matches. However, if you decide not to attend Olympic College for one or more of the terms indicated, you must immediately notify the Office of Financial Aid in writing. Without your written notice, non-enrollment for any term listed in your award letter will result in cancellation of all aid (all academic terms) in the award period.