About our Services

About our Services

As a trusted local resource for financial aid information and access to career & college pathways, Olympic College provides outreach specialists who work directly with local high schools in Kitsap County and North Mason school districts to help students and their families complete the FAFSA or WASFA.

Our team of five Financial Aid Outreach Specialists are embedded at local high schools one to two days a week to provide:

  • Personalized FAFSA/WASFA filing support for high school seniors & their families.
  • Information on how to access private scholarships.
  • Support for financial aid related events, presentations and other outreach as appropriate.

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What We Offer

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Anna Fulford

Since 2018, Anna has been a financial aid resource for students and families on the Olympic Peninsula in her outreach role for the College Bound Scholarship. She is excited to be leading the Financial Aid Outreach Team at OC! Anna is available to meet with students and families in the North Kitsap School District.

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Financial Aid Outreach Pilot Program

Financial Aid Outreach Pilot Program

Financial Aid Outreach is a pilot program funded by House Bill 1835 – legislation passed during the 2022 legislative session. The goal of this legislation is to provide additional resources and support in two regions of Washington state with the lowest financial aid filing rates.