Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
Policy Number: 400-10
Reference: RCW 9A.16.100; Chapter 26.44 RCW; RCW 28B.10.846
This policy and procedures implement the mandatory reporting obligations of employees of Olympic College in accordance with Chapter 26.44 RCW, Abuse of Children Law; RCW 28B.10.846, Report of Child Abuse or Neglect – Reporting Responsibilities; and RCW 9A.16.100, Use of Force on Children – Policy – Actions Presumed Unreasonable to ensure the safety of all minor children in all programs and activities of the College.
II. Policy
It is the policy of Olympic College that all employees shall report child abuse and neglect at the first opportunity and never later than 48 hours after having reasonable cause to believe a child has suffered abuse or neglect. Employees shall follow the reporting process in Section III below to report child abuse or neglect.
III. Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Process
A. Where to Direct a Report
Academic, administrative, Sophia Bremer Child Development Center, and athletic employees, including student employees if applicable, must make an oral report directly to the proper law enforcement agency or the Washington State Department of Children, Youth & Family Services. The oral report must be followed by a report in writing. Contact the Department of Children, Youth & Family Services at 888-713-6115 or visit their website for more info. For assistance, contact Olympic College Human Resources.
All other employees must make a report directly to the Executive Director of Human Resource Services by phone to 360-475-7300, in person, or by email. The Executive Director of Human Resource Services must make a report to the proper law enforcement agency or the Department of Social and Health Services.
B. What to Include in a Report
The report must include as much detail as possible, such as:
- The child’s name, address, and age
- The name and address of the child's parents, stepparents, guardians, or other persons who have custody of the child.
- The nature and extent of the alleged:
- Injury or injuries
- Neglect
- Sexual abuse
4. Any evidence of previous injuries, including their nature and extent
5. Any other information that may help to establish the cause of the child's injury, injuries, or death
6. The identity of the alleged perpetrator(s)
The reporting requirement does not apply to the discovery of abuse or neglect that occurred during childhood if it is discovered after the child becomes an adult. However, if there is reasonable cause to believe other children are or may be at risk of abuse or neglect by the alleged perpetrator, the reporting requirement does apply and the employee must make a report.
C. Policy Communication
Olympic College will communicate this policy to all employees on an annual basis to ensure they have knowledge of their reporting responsibilities. Notice of these requirements will be posted in conspicuous locations where similar workplace notices are customarily posted.
D. Immunity from Liability
Any person who takes part in reporting alleged child abuse or neglect in good faith will be immune from legal liability that arises from such reporting. A person who, in good faith, cooperates in an investigation of a report of child abuse or neglect, shall not be subject to civil liability that arises from their cooperation.
However, a person who, intentionally and in bad faith, knowingly make a false report of alleged abuse or neglect, or fails to report the alleged abuse or neglect may be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be held responsible for violating College policy.
E. Reporting Guidance
The College’s executive director of Human Resource Services has been designated to receive reports and provide guidance on employees’ reporting obligations. The Executive Director of Human Resource Services may designate another Human Resource Services employee to perform this role in the event of the Executive Director’s absence. For assistance, contact Olympic College Human Resources. See RCW 26.44.030 for more information.
IV. Definitions and Limitations
The following definitions apply to the terms used in this policy:
Abuse or neglect
Sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or injury of a child by anyone under circumstances that cause harm to the child's health, welfare, or safety, excluding conduct permitted under RCW 9A.16.100; or the negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a person responsible for or who provides care to the child.
Academic employee
Teaching academic employees, counseling academic employees, library academic employees, e-learning academic employees, academic advising employees, and adjunct teaching academic employees.
Administrative employee
Any person employed either full or part time by the College and who performs administrative functions as at least fifty percent of his or her assignments.
Athletic employee
Any employee reporting under the Director of Athletics, including student employees.
Anyone under age 18.
Law enforcement agency
The police department, the prosecuting attorney, the State Patrol, or the office of the sheriff.
Reasonable cause
Knowledge based on having witnessed or received a credible written or oral report alleging abuse, including sexual contact, or neglect of a child.
- Recommended by Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, Cheryl Nuñez May 16, 2017
- Submitted to President’s Cabinet for Review May 16, 2017
- Approved by President May 16, 2017
- Submitted to Board of Trustees May 16, 2017
- Approved by Board of Trustees August 15, 2017
- Published in Washington Administrative Code n/a