The CARE team is a campus-wide team responsible for identifying, assessing, and responding to concerns and/or disruptive behaviors by students and community members who struggle academically, emotionally, or psychologically, or who present a risk to the health or safety of the college or its members.
Coordination. Coordinating across functional areas any referrals received from faculty, staff, students, and others regarding individuals of concern.
Assessment. Coordinating the assessment, evaluation, and support of individuals of concern, including collaborating with community partners as necessary.
Response. Responding to referrals through interventions, resource assistance, and communication across functional areas for individuals of concern.
Education. Developing and implementing educational resources for the campus community to create awareness and understanding of the CARE team and how to identify, support, and refer an individual of concern.
All concerns regarding students or community members who present a risk to the health or safety of the college or its members should be reported through OC Report It. For all other communications, including requests for trainings, information, and follow-up, please contact CAREteam@olympic.edu.
How is the CARE Team different from other places to report student behavior issues?
- Complete a welfare concern report in OC Report It for issues that can't be easily defined as a student conduct violation (which is reported to the Director of Community Standards through OC Report It), or an emergency situation (which should be reported to the Police Department), or a perceived or present threat or imminent danger (which should be reported to Campus Safety & Security).
- All other concerns not addressed by the CARE Team can also be submitted via other reports in OC Report It, including those related to student conduct, academic integrity, bias, harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, concerns related to employees, safety, IT security, and child and elder abuse. Students may also address complaints through the Student Complaint Process.
Reporting Concerns & Responding to Troubling Behavior
- For all life-threatening emergencies, including situations in which students or campus community members show evidence of dangerous action or danger to self and/or others, call 911.
- For students or campus community members who seem to present a threat to self/others and/or an imminent threat or danger is perceived, call Campus Safety & Security at 360-475-7800.
- For students with perceived student conduct violations, complete a conduct violation through OC Report It, and the Director of Community Standards will review it.
- For students who are in crisis situation needing care; e.g., expressing suicidal thoughts, emotional breakdown, family/work stressors, alcoholism, etc., contact Counseling Services.
- For all student behaviors that do not pose an immediate threat but present a risk to the health or safety of the college or its members, complete a welfare concern report through OC Report It, and the CARE Team will review it.
- If you are unsure if a situation warrants a report, please reach out to @email, or complete a welfare concern with your question. Reach out in either manner and someone will respond to your concern.
1. Referral
The team receives referrals through welfare reports via OC Report It!
The core CARE Team is led by the Vice President of Student Affairs and consists of college personnel in areas with responsibility and expertise in supporting students in distress, including counseling, student development, advising, community standards and student conduct, Title IX, military and veteran programs, residence hall, student disability services, campus safety, and instruction.
2. Review
All initial referrals are reviewed daily during non-holiday weekdays and assessed to determine the level of risk or concern to determine whether more information is required. If a referral is lacking pertinent information for processing and/or assessing the referral, a member of the CARE team may attempt to contact the referral source to gather additional information. If additional information is not provided, the CARE team will follow its process with the available information.
3. Respond
Once sufficient information is gathered, the team develops cross-functional and integrated action plans to address the needs of the individual, circumstances, and risks involved. Individuals who have submitted referrals may receive a follow-up based on privacy, confidentiality, or legal limitations, also whether the referral was submitted anonymously. The team will always balance the need to provide helpful updates to the referral source with the need to maintain a student’s privacy by sharing only the information that the referral source needs to know for the purpose of carrying out their professional or educational duties.