Title IX & Sexual Misconduct

Title IX and other federal and state laws collectively prohibit discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, pregnant or parenting status, and LGBTQ identity. These laws impose legal requirements and protections that serve as a foundation from which Olympic College has created policies, practices, services, and programs that work in concert to advance equity for students, staff, and faculty of all identities.

Title IX Staff

To maintain safe and nondiscriminatory educational, living and working environments, Olympic College prohibits discrimination based on sex and gender. Title IX staff are responsible for coordinating and administering sexual misconduct prevention, response, and resolution, consistent with federal and state law. The Title IX Coordinator coordinates all Title IX activities, but also maintains primary responsibility for issues related to students. The Deputy Coordinator maintains primary responsibility for issues related to employees. 

If you have general Title IX-related questions, please email @email, and either the Coordinator or the Deputy Coordinator will respond.

Title IX Coordinator

Title IX Deputy Coordinator


Any student, employee, applicant, or visitor of Olympic College may use OC Report It at any time to file a report of sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, and other forms of sexual misconduct. Complainants have the right to make a report or to make a written or verbal complaint to the College, make a report to the police, do both or neither. Title IX staff can walk complainants through their resources and reporting options and, whatever they choose, offer them supportive measures. In the case of complaints, the Coordinator will explain to both the complainants and respondents the process for the investigation and resolution of the complaints and offer respondents supportive measures and resources as well.


Although the Coordinator will attempt to honor complainants’ requests for confidentiality, complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, individuals who are not prepared to make a report or formal complaint to the College, are still encouraged to contact a confidential resource (see Resources and Other Reporting Options section below). Confidential resources are generally not required to report information shared with them, with limited exceptions, such as threats of imminent harm or a legal obligation and child abuse or neglect.