Consistent with federal and state laws supporting second chances and comprehensive reentry services for formerly incarcerated individuals, Olympic College is dedicated to creating a safe and supportive environment for all students, including registered sex offenders (RSOs), who are looking to further their education. The RSO Support Team, consisting of the Vice President of Student Affairs, Director of Community Standards & Title IX, Reentry Navigator, and Campus Safety & Security Director, strives to establish a coordinated, holistic approach to supporting RSO students by promoting accountability, crafting individualized plans to ensure a seamless transition back to education, and, as necessary, coordinating with law enforcement for documentation and restrictions.

Identification and Assistance for RSOs
We provide assistance to RSOs and campus stakeholders and work closely with law enforcement to ensure accurate and relevant information. Once an RSO self-identifies or is identified through Safety & Security Office protocols, we promptly communicate with key college staff members to ensure that parties receive the support they require. Our partnership with law enforcement allows us to gather necessary information while balancing the privacy of RSOs.
Taking the First Step: Intake
If you are an RSO considering enrollment at OC, reaching out to our Reentry Navigator is the first required step in the process. Completing the RSO Intake Form will help us better understand your unique circumstances and needs. Once the intake form is complete and other required documents are received, we can establish a Reentry Support Meeting to facilitate your enrollment. Throughout the process, the Reentry Navigator will serve as your main point of contact, providing guidance and support. Working alongside law enforcement, we collect essential documents under the guidance of the Campus Safety & Security Director and Reentry Navigator.
RSO Support Plan & Support Meetings
At the Reentry Support Meeting, we prioritize RSO reentry success, addressing safety concerns, available support and resources, and effective communication. The RSO Support Team collaborates to craft and communicate an individualized support plan that considers the RSO’s educational goals, personal circumstances, DOC restrictions, and campus safety expectations. The campus CARE Team also provides consultation and support where necessary.
Informed and Connected
Maintaining a coordinated and supportive approach, the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs oversees communication with relevant parties, including faculty, classmates, childcare center, and other necessary stakeholders. We believe that open dialogue fosters a supportive atmosphere for RSO reentry, contributing to academic success, overall well-being, and safety. More information on campus notifications can be found below and in the Olympic College Policy on Notification of Sex Offenders (OCP 200-04), titled "Release of Sex Offender Information."
What's Next? A Checklist
All RSOs who are enrolling at Olympic College must notify the college and meet with the Reentry Navigator prior to enrolling or attending any class or activity on any of the three campuses.
Release of Sex Offender Information
OC considers the protection of our community to be a matter of significant importance. The 1990 Community Protection Act allows the college to provide notice to the community when it has received information concerning sex offenders who are or will be attending classes or working on the campus. More information can be found in the Olympic College Guidelines and Policy on Notification of Sex Offenders (OCP 200-04), titled "Release of Sex Offender Information."
The college has received information that the Level III, II, or I offenders listed below are currently enrolled. Level III offenders are considered the most likely to reoffend. Level II are considered a moderate risk to reoffend. The Vice President of Student Affairs or a designee has conducted an interview with each individual to discuss expectations of attendance at Olympic College. The following RSOs are registered for Winter Term 2025:
- George Crawford, Level II
In addition, both Kitsap and Mason County Sheriff's Offices maintain sex offender registries:
If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to either the Office of the VP of Student Affairs at, 360-475-7474, or the Director of Campus Safety & Security at 360-475-7800.
Reentry Resources for RSOs
Resources for RSOs
Resources for Students, Parents, and other Campus Stakeholders
Resources for Faculty & Staff
Learn More: Reentry Law & Policy
RSO Support Team
Pre-Enrollment Checklist
2Provide Required Documentation
RSOs must work with the Reentry Navigator and Campus Safety and Security Director to provide all required documentation; Campus Safety and Security may also work alongside law enforcement to gather relevant documentation concerning convictions, treatment, restrictions, and reentry status.
3Attend Reentry Support Meeting
RSOs will then be invited to a Reentry Support Meeting, which will involve a discussion on the RSO’s prior cases, encompassing safety measures, support services, and communication protocols between stakeholders.
4Communicate all schedule changes
Once approved, the RSO must communicate all subsequent schedule changes to the Reentry Navigator, including enrollment for subsequent terms.
Notifications to parties will be conducted by the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs.
6Adhere to Expectations
Adhere to all communicated expectations; failure to do so may result in a violation of the Olympic College Student Conduct Code (WAC 132C-120-065(19)).
7Check in periodically
The Reentry Navigator will conduct periodic check-ins with the registered sex offender to monitor progress, address concerns, and adapt the reentry support plan and expectations as required.