Step-by-step directions

Step-by-step directions

If you're a military-connected student new to Olympic College, our checklist for new MVP students can help guide you through the process of getting started at OC, from applying for your VA education benefits, to enrolling in classes.

See below for more info. Contact MVP for a print version of the checklist.

Military and veteran program staff assisting student at computer
1Apply for your VA education benefits

It may take up to 30 days for the VA to process your application. Once approved, the VA will mail you a Certificate of Eligibility (COE), which will be required for MVP to process your benefits.

Students sitting behind computers in classroom
2Apply for admission to Olympic College
  • Apply Online
  • Your application may take one to two weeks to process. Once accepted, you will receive an email containing your ctcLink Student ID, and additional instructions and information.
Student working at computer smiling at the camera
3Submit College and/or Military Transcripts

Olympic College is committed to providing you with credit for prior college training and military service. For a credit/transcript review, request official transcripts from your prior college(s) and military service, and submit a Transcript Evaluation Request. Transcripts can be sent to:

Olympic College ATTN: Evaluators
1600 Chester Avenue
Bremerton, WA 98337

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4Complete assessment testing or prerequisites review

Many courses require placement into English or Math or require you to show completion of these courses at a prior school. Be sure to get this process done early, to avoid any delay in enrolling for the classes you need. This is also important before meeting with your Student Success Coach or MVP Advising Team, so that they can create as accurate a plan as possible for your program.

Military student being helped by Military & Veteran Programs staff
5Plan your education

MVP advisors or Student Success Coaches are available for all degree programs and are here to help you schedule your classes and provide a path towards completion of your program. While meeting with a MVP advisor is not mandatory, it can be extremely helpful to ensure you are maximizing your VA education benefits and completing your program as quickly as possible.

If you are unable to meet with the advising team, you can also plan classes on your own! Check out the Plan Your Degree page for academic planning tools, resources and forms.

Mature Male
6Submit required documentation

The Military & Veterans Programs is your primary resource for VA education benefits, financial aid, and enrollment information. To make sure you’re receiving the benefits available to you, it’s important that you register with this office and provide the necessary documents.

Four students in a hallway together.
7Enroll in your classes

After determining what classes you need to take, it’s time to enroll, and request your VA benefits. The class schedule is posted online each quarter and each class has a unique, 5-digit Class Number.

8Submit Certification Request

After enrolling for your classes each quarter, you will need to submit your Certification Request. This notifies the MVP Benefits Office that you have enrolled and would like to use your VA education benefits.

Submit Certification Request