Why Pronouns Matter - May

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Why Pronouns Matter training sessions provided by the Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging will provide attendees with valuable insights into the importance of using correct pronouns, strategies for respectful communication, and practical tips for fostering inclusivity and responding to misgendering in everyday interactions. Whether you are faculty, staff, a student, or other community member, these interactive training sessions will offer valuable resources to enhance your understanding and practice of inclusive language. By equipping ourselves with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate conversations surrounding gender identity respectfully, we can collectively contribute to a campus community where every individual feels seen, valued, and respected.

Zoom Link

Learning Objectives:

  • To provide working definitions for:
    • Gender
    • Sex
    • Sexuality
    • Pronouns
    • Misgendering
  • To provide actionable strategies for responding to misgendering incidents, and for minimizing our risk of misgendering others.
  • To outline the state and institutional laws and policies around misgendering. 

The engaged participant will leave feeling confident in their ability to navigate a misgendering situation and understanding the importance of using correct gendered pronouns from a legal/policy perspective.


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