About the Class

About the Class

Learn how to focus on your children's needs during a separation, custody issues, or divorce in the Parenting Through Divorce & Beyond seminar.

In this four hour seminar, parents will learn about the developmental stages of children, communication skills, the impact of divorce on children and positive parenting skills. See below for more info about cost, fee waivers, and registration. 

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Class description

This four hour seminar will focus on children’s needs during their parents' separation, custody issues and/or divorce. Parents will learn about the developmental stages of children, communication skills, the impact of divorce on children and positive parenting skills.

This seminar is approved by the Kitsap County Superior Court and intended for parents involved in divorce, legal separation, or paternity actions. Upon completion, you will be given a Certificate of Completion to be filed with the Court. Please visit the Kitsap County Superior Court website to learn more about this court requirement.

Mandatory Parenting Classes info

Parenting Through Divorce & Beyond

All classes are held at Olympic College on the Bremerton Campus from 5 - 9pm in Bldg. 4, Rm. 112.

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Registration and Payment

Pre-registration and payment

Pre-registration and payment is required to reserve a seat for the seminar. The seminars are filled on a first come, first serve basis. Children cannot attend the seminar; no childcare is provided.

Please be sure to inform us if there are any disputes, restraining orders or any other issues that you may have with the other party named in your case.

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  • The class size is capped at 20 students per session and is offered on a first come, first serve basis. 
  • You may not register without paying and we will not hold slots.
  • Walk-in students will not be allowed to attend the course. No-show does not warrant a refund.


Please be aware that classes may be cancelled if minimum enrollment of 10 students per class session is not met. You will be notified at least one day in advance of cancellation and given a full refund or opportunity to transfer to a future class.


The security of all seminar participants is of great importance to Olympic College. Therefore, you will not be admitted to the seminar if you are carrying a weapon (per RCW 9.41.300) or if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. You will be asked to leave if you exhibit behavior that is disruptive or threatening to the participants and/or the facilitators.

Request accommodations

To request an accommodation, visit our Accessibility & Accommodations webpage. Please provide advance notice to ensure we are able to grant your request.