Grades are available three to five days after the last day of the quarter and may be accessed via the ctcLink Student Homepage.
Olympic College uses a decimal grading system. The chart below lists a letter grade for comparison purposes only; letter grades do not appear on the official transcript.
Decimal Grade |
Letter Grade |
3.9 - 4.0 |
A |
3.5 - 3.8 |
A- |
3.2 - 3.4 |
B+ |
2.9 - 3.1 |
B |
2.5 - 2.8 |
B- |
2.2 - 2.4 |
C+ |
1.9 - 2.1 |
C |
1.5 - 1.8 |
C- |
1.2 - 1.4 |
D+ |
0.9 - 1.1 |
D |
0.7 - 0.8 |
D- |
0.0 |
F |
Note: Grades of 0.1 through 0.6 are not used.
*: Grade Not Reported
The '*' asterisk symbol is used when the reporting of a grade is not required (i.e., a community service course), or when a grade has not been submitted to the Registrar by a faculty member in time for inclusion on a student's grade report or transcript.
I: Incomplete
The "I" grade is used to indicate that a grade has been deferred. The instructor may choose to award an "I" grade to a student who is making progress, but for reasons beyond the student's control, is unable to complete course requirements on time. To award an "I" grade, the instructor must submit an Incomplete Grade Contract to the Registration and Records Office. The instructor must specify the work to be completed ant the grade to which the "I" will revert if the work is not completed by the specified time. The "I" grade does not count for College credit, nor is it computed in the GPA.
Note: if an incomplete grade contract is not received, but an "I" grade has been assigned, the grade will appear as an asterisk (*). If the contact is not received within two quarters at the Registration and Records Office, the "*" grade will revert to a "WP".
N: Audit
To audit a course means to participate without evaluation. The "N" grade is not counted for college credit, nor is it computed in the GPA. To audit a course, the student must submit a form with the Registration and Records Office by the tenth instructional day of the quarter. If the course is classified as late-starting or continuous enrollment, the form must be submitted prior to twenty percent of the course being completed. Payment of regular tuition fees is required. See Audit & Pass/No Credit link at left for details.
P/NC: Pass/No Credit
For a course designated by the College as "Pass/No Credit", the grades of "P" or "NC" must be assigned. In addition, a student may select the Pass/No Credit option for a course, by submitting a "Pass/No Credit" form to the Registration and Records Office by the tenth instructional day of the quarter. For zero-credit, Adult Basic Skills and Community Service courses, a "P" or "NC grade is assigned. See Audit & Pass/No Credit link at left for details.
P: Pass
For credit courses, the grade of "P" may be assigned and is defined as a grade point average of 2.0 or higher. The "P" grade is not used to complete the GPA. Note: Upon transfer, some educational institutions may convert the "P" grade to a "C" for purposes of grade point average calculation.
NC: No Credit
The "NC" grade is assigned for failure to satisfactorily complete a zero-credit course, or a course designated by the College or selected by the student as "Pass/No Credit". The "NC" grade is not counted for College credit, nor is it included in the GPA.
W: Official Withdrawal
An instructor cannot assign a "W" grade. The "W" grade will automatically be assigned by the Registration and Records Office when a student officially withdraws from a course between the sixth and thirtieth instructional day of the quarter, or prior to the completion of sixty percent of the course. Except for compelling reasons, a student is not allowed to drop a course or withdraw completely from College after the thirty-first instructional day or after sixty percent of the course has been completed. Examples of compelling reasons include proof of death in the immediate family, very serious illness, injury or surgery, or unexpected and mandatory job shift or change.
WP: Discontinued Attendance - Passing
The "WP" grade may be assigned by the instructor to indicate that the student did not complete enough of the course to be graded and achieved a passing grade while in attendance. The "WP" grade is not counted for College credit, nor is it computed in the GPA.
WF: Discontinued Attendance - Failing
The "WF" grade may be assigned by the instructor to indicate that the student did not complete enough of the course to be graded and did not achieve a passing grade while in attendance. The "WF" grade is not counted for College credit, nor is it computed in the GPA.