Request Student Absences for Reasons of Faith or Conscience
Procedure for Student Requests for Absences for Reasons of Faith or Conscience
Students may request reasonable accommodations during the academic year without adverse impact on their grade for reasons of faith or conscience, such as organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization.
Such requests must be submitted using the online form “Student Reasonable Accommodation: Reasons of Faith or Conscience” in advance of the date of the absence, and no later than by the end of the first two weeks of the beginning of the quarter. The request must identify the specific dates the student anticipates needing the accommodation(s). The College is not required to accommodate absences requested after the first two weeks of the start of the course unless warranted by compelling circumstances. If a reasonable accommodation is necessary during the first two weeks of the course, a student must provide the College with as much advance notice as is reasonably possible within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course. The College is not required to provide reasonable accommodations if the student does not follow these procedures.
Examples of accommodations may include rescheduling of an exam, giving a makeup exam, altering the time of a student’s presentation, allowing comparable assignments to substitute for missed classwork, or increased flexibility in assigned due dates.
If the student's accommodation date is on a day when a test is scheduled or an assignment is due, the student may be required to take the test or submit the assignment before or after the regularly assigned date. Students are expected to complete or make up any coursework or assignments that have been adjusted due to a reasonable accommodation.
The notification by the student of an eligible reasonable accommodation under this Policy supersedes an instructor’s grading or absence policies. A student’s grade or evaluation will not be adversely impacted because they received reasonable accommodations in conformance with these procedures.
Absence Request Form
Process for requesting an absence due to faith or conscience
- Submit a request for accommodation using the online form “Student Reasonable Accommodation: Reasons of Faith or Conscience.”
- Students enrolled in Nursing and Allied Health programs with a preceptorship/residency/internship or clinical component should consult with their assigned clinical faculty and consider Program Handbook policies and procedures early in this process to assure that a reasonable accommodation can be determined.
- Students whose courses include a performance or residency requirement that conflicts with an anticipated absence/hardship should speak with the professor to determine how a reasonable accommodation can be made (e.g., a concert cannot be rescheduled, a host institution may not be able to adjust their calendar, etc.).
- The completed form will be sent to the Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Instruction, the Director of Instruction Support Services, and the Vice President of Instruction.
- The Vice President of Instruction will review the request. If approved, the Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Instruction or Director of Instruction Support Services will forward the request to the appropriate Faculty and Dean. If not approved, the student will be notified.
- Faculty will respond to the request within 3 business days of receiving the notification.
- Upon receiving notification of the request for accommodation from the student, the instructor will determine what accommodations, if any, are necessary and reasonable regarding coursework, class attendance, testing, and/or assignments.
- The instructor will then notify the student in writing of these accommodations in time to allow the student to complete or makeup any required coursework, testing, and/or assignments.
Absence Request Form