Technical Design uses graphics and computers to communicate technical information for all phases of product design and manufacturing. Students learn to use hand drawing and sketching, Computer Aided Drafting (CAD), computer modeling and 3D printing to test and communicate designs. We offer certificates and an Associate degree in Technical Design and three specific disciplines: Mechanical Technology, Architecture/Civil Technician and GIS Technology. 


For information about related programs, visit the Manufacturing & Engineering Technology page. 


Interested in Technical Design? Complete a short form and a member of the Welcome Center will follow up with you right away!

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Contact us

Prospective new students contact the Program Specialist for more information about the program.

Current and returning students contact the Advising Center to connect with a Student Success Coach or your Faculty Advisor.

Academic Program

Olympic College offers an Associate of Technical Arts (AAT) degree in Technical Design, and three certificates: the Certificate of Completion in Mechanical Technology, Certificate of Completion in GIS/Architectural and Civil Technician, and Certificate of Recognition in Technical Design.

Transfer & Career Info

Student Project Videos: AutoCAD

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Cannon's View

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Coffee Grinder View

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Rubics Cube View

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Trebuchet View

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Trophy Gear View

Student Project Videos: Solid Edge

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Chopping Block

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Computer Case Fan

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Elbow Engine with Pump

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Laser Scanner

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Oscillating fan

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Shaper Tool Head

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Working Piston with Propeller

Faculty Advisors

The Technical Design faculty provides a range of scheduling options to meet the needs of full-time and part-time students and those who need day, evening or distance classes. 

In addition, “We are highly sensitive to the differential needs and learning styles of our students and utilize a variety of perspectives and pedagogical styles so that both traditional and nontraditional students will find a comfortable and safe learning environment in our classes.” 

Every student is assigned an advising team consisting of your Student Success Coach and Faculty Advisor. Your Faculty Advisor is determined once you decide on your specific academic program. The following professors are the advisors for Technical Design.

Academic Division

Technical Design is part of the Manufacturing & Trades Division. Visit the division webpage for more info, including support resources and services, and contact info for division staff and the dean. The division office can assist you with:

  • Advising
  • Connecting with faculty
  • Finding campus resources
  • Support for procedural processes such as a grade appeal or student complaint.