A Veterans Day Message from Olympic College 2022

In the United States, Veterans Day falls on Nov. 11, the anniversary of the signing of the armistice which ended the World War I hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany. As we commemorate Veterans Day, I wish to express my sincere admiration and gratitude for the selfless service of our Olympic College military community. 

At Olympic College, this day has been properly commemorated, without fail, every year since 1946, and we would not let this year be different. This fall, 22% of our students identify as military-connected. We are home to the second largest military connected-student body of any college or university in Washington, second only to Pierce College. Our apprenticeship program with Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility dates back to the 1950s and continues to produce more than 1,000 apprentices and helpers each year. 

For those of us who have lost someone in service to this great nation, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge your loss.

Many of our veterans endured long separations from their families and loved ones, missed the births and milestones of their children, spent holidays in foreign lands, suffered injuries and illnesses – all while placing themselves in harm’s way for the rest of us. Because of their humble spirits, we rarely know their stories or the extent to which they have sacrificed. However, we do know that our freedom is not free; our veterans paid the price.   

Veterans, you have done your duty – for your families, your communities, and your country. You have served our nation with great distinction. Please know that, while we can never repay our debt to you, time can never diminish our gratitude and respect for all you have done for us.

On this Veterans Day, we raise our collective voices in praise and thank you for the tremendous sacrifices you have made to protect our way of life and for the example of selfless service you model for all of us.

Today – and every day – we are grateful for these contributions and for the perspectives and experiences that servicemembers and veterans bring to our campuses.

On Friday, Nov. 11, our campuses are closed in commemoration of Veterans Day. So please take a moment to reflect on what this day is truly about; to appreciate and recognize those who serve today and in the past; to remember their sacrifices, honor and dedication, and those who love and support them.

Happy Veterans Day from all of us at the Olympic College.

With appreciation and respect, 


Marty Cavalluzzi, President Olympic College
Tatiane Simons, Director of Military & Veteran Programs & 
Olympic College Military & Veteran Programs Team

To find out more, visit our Military & Veteran Programs website. 

Military & Veteran Programs